Hockey team progress to quarter finals with a 5-0 win

Match report by Sophie McConn

A chilly Thursday 10th December set the scene for our 3rd round match of the McDowell Cup. Spirits were high, as we were determined to win against tough opposition Regent House. The team started well and passed well, however there were many slips and falls on the very wet pitch (a favourite moment being when Phoebe actually fell off the pitch!)

We had many opportunities in the circle, with Regent defence saving well, until Ara McCarten took a well timed straight strike from the top of the circle smashing the backboard to make it 1-0. After Mrs Loane's wise words at half time high spirits continued but the victory was not ours yet. In the second half we stepped it up a gear as we knew the win was within our grasp. Ten minutes into play Ara McCarten took a reverse push into the corner of the goal - making the score 2-0! Minutes later she set up the same manoeuvre and tapped the ball in once again. The very vocal supporters on the sidelines erupted as the score became 3-0. We went from strength to strength as the teams confidence grew and grew, and 'The Girl on Fire' Ara McCarten set up yet another goal which Phoebe Hagan deflected into the right corner. Skilful tackles and perseverance from the whole team allowed Phoebe Hagan to push the ball from the top of the circle to the backboard. The match finished at 5-0, with 15 ecstatic girls and a very proud Mrs Loane celebrating the teams progress through to the quarter final. The whole team cohesively worked so well together, and man of the match was awarded to a very well deserved Ara McCarten. 


Carol Service 2015


VCB compete in Juvenes Translatores!