Open Day 2016 - Will Victoria College be your next school?


If you weren't able to attend our Open Day, we hope our website will help you to see why Victoria College is a unique school with a positive, diverse and inclusive ethos.


Your feedback - What you thought of VCB?

We really appreciated the feedback from parents who told us that;

  • The girls who showed us around today really represented their school well and did both themselves and their school proud. All the teachers were very welcoming, friendly and informative. The pupils seem to really enjoy Victoria College. We were also impressed by how many foreign pupils attend the school.
  • We had a wonderful guide from year 10. She was a fantastic ambassador for the school. She answered every question we had and more. We had a fantastic day at Victoria!
  • I have been to a few open days, what I am looking for is what are the pupils like at the school. Are they friendly, do they like the school, are they proud of the school they attend? My daughter and I found your students helpful, enthusiastic and most of all able to hold a conversation.
  • We almost did not come, but we are so glad we did.
  • I would like to pass on that our guide was a credit to herself and the school. She was courteous and polite, making special effort to engage with my daughter. I feel her interaction positively influenced my daughter's opinion on your school.
  • We very much enjoyed seeing the school and meeting some of the staff and pupils - all of whom were a wonderful example of the standard of VCB. We were very impressed over all and will be giving serious consideration to the college.
  • You should be so proud. All the girls were warm welcoming and open.
  • There was a very welcoming atmosphere
  • Very impressive. Our Year 8 guide was very friendly, confident and knowledgeable – a credit to the school.

Academic Achievements

The College is proud of the value added for each pupil and recognises the achievements of all the girls, acknowledging that for some pupils C grades are a real achievement and measure of success. In Victoria every pupil is challenged and supported to ensure that she achieves her personal best and pupils who are academically gifted are certainly stretched to attain the highest possible grades!

  • At A level 83.5% of pupils achieved 3 or more A*-C grades in 2015.
  • At GCSE level 37% of pupils achieved at least 7A*/A grades and 27% achieved at least 9A*/A grades with one pupil achieving 11A* grades and another achieving 12 A*/A grades!
  • At A level the percentage of A*/B grades achieved has increased from 72.2% in 2012 to 75.8% in 2015.
  • At GCSE level the percentage of A*/A grades obtained has increased from 47.5% in 2012 to 49.7% in 2014 whilst A*/B grades increased from 72.2% in 2012 to 80.4% in 2014.
  • In 2015, a dip in performance outcomes at GCSE was recorded and is in line with the ability range of the pupils admitted to the College in 2010 which was considerably wider than in previous years.
  • However, notwithstanding that range of ability, 46.8% of grades obtained in 2015 were A*/A grades and 75% of grades obtained were A*/B.

Latest news

On our website you will also find lots of information about the latest events and achievements of the girls in the College including the following:

  • Top candidate in RE and Art & Design at A level is VCB pupil Anne Henderson. Anne received an award from CCEA at Stormont and also received a cheque from QUB Theology department at a ceremony in the Canada Room at Queen’s.
  • Anna Wylie has just heard that her application to Cambridge to read French and Spanish has been successful!
  • Ellen Beattie received an award from the Education Authority for 14 years’ full attendance at school.

Follow-up Open Afternoon  - Wednesday 3rd February at 2.10pm on Richmond Campus.

If you missed our Open Day on Saturday 9th January 2016 you can join us for our Follow-up Open Afternoon. The event will commence at 2.10pm on the Richmond Campus. There will be an opportunity to view the Senior Campus later in the afternoon. You'll find directions to the Richmond Campus and a site map on our How to Find Us page


A2 Drama students excel in final performances!


Open Day 2016 - Head Girl Speech