VCB progress in McDowell Cup

Report by Lauren Henderson 

On the 20th October, the VCB 2A’s came face to face with Methodist College’s 2A’s in the first round of the McDowell Cup. The match began and Methody started on the strong foot, leading to scoring within the opening minutes of the game. Erin Blundell and Rebecca Bunn made strong and secure tackles to prevent Methody scoring again. Players in midfield, including Harriet Bedi and Ellie Robinson worked tirelessly to slow down Methody’s strong attack. Unfortunately, their efforts were not enough and Methody were able to score again, bringing the score to 2-0. The half time whistle blew and VCB heads were down.  Sarah Hanley, our captain, was able to reassure the team that they had the energy and determination to turn the game around. The second half started and Victoria were determined to get an early goal to bring everyone’s spirits up.  The three forwards, Phoebe Hagan, Ara McCarten and Sarah Webb were able to show amazing skill around the Methody defence and Phoebe Hagan was able to score Victoria’s first goal. The energy from this goal travelled throughout the whole team and everyone began to prove themselves by working hard.  Sophie McConn was able to deliver strong passes to our forward line and Victoria’s attack began once again. Once Victoria made into Methody’s circle, they were able to get a shot on goal which then resulted in the ball coming off a Methody stick and going into the back of the net, the score became 2-2. The full time whistle went and to Victoria’s relief, they had forced the match go to extra time. The whole team worked with great determination to keep Methody from entering the circle for 10 minutes until the game went to penalty strokes. Rebecca Bunn, Harriet Bedi, Sarah Hanley and Ara McCarten confidently scored their penalty strokes securing an exciting win for Victoria.


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