Vodafone Digital Parenting

Vodafone is committed to helping young people become more confident and resilient online.

Their online magazine has helped millions of families get to grips with the digital world and we're pleased to announce that you can download all five issues below.


ISSUE 5 - Download Now

The extract below gives a flavour of the type of content included within each issue.

'Feeling confused? You’re not alone. Even though I spend my working life in the world of communication technologies, I still watch in awe as children and teenagers switch between their laptop, mobile, games console, TV, iPod... the list goes on.

‘Digital Natives’, ‘Generation Y’, ‘multimedia multi-taskers’. However we choose to tag them, the truth is this: young people may well be living in a very different world to the one we grew up in but we can’t use that as an excuse to sit back and watch. Lots of parents, grandparents and people who look after children tell us that they sometimes feel baffled by what young people do in the digital world. Hopefully, this magazine and our website (www.vodafone.com/parents) will help you to get more involved with the technologies that children and teenagers enjoy and to talk about them as a family. 

In the next 100+ pages, you’ll find in-depth information and advice about everything from cyberbullying to mobile costs, your child’s reputation online to Web and mobile security, excessive use of technology to online privacy. We’ll even make sure you’re up to speed on the very latest issues and challenges, such as location services and sexting.'

Download here

Click on any of the issues above to download your copy now.


Head Girl delivers speech to UK Youth Parliament


Hannah Beattie - Rotary Youth Leadership Award 2016/17