Open Day 2017 - A tremendous success!

VCB - Values, Confidence, Belief

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Open Day on Saturday. Pupils, staff and Governors really enjoyed the opportunity to share with you all that is best about our school, to showcase our pupils’ work and to talk to you about their experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. I am sure that you will have got a sense of Victoria being a high performing and happy school where pastoral care is key to enabling our pupils to learn and achieve.  We are very proud of our school and I trust you were impressed by our confident and enthusiastic pupils who benefit from being in an all girls’ school where we believe in them and encourage them to be the best they can be.

I am grateful to everyone who made Saturday morning such an enjoyable experience and appreciate the time taken by many to complete the questionnaire to provide us with feedback.

If you missed our Open Day we will be delighted to welcome you on 7th  February from 2:15pm to visit the Junior campus at Marlborough Park North. This will be a normal teaching day but pupils and staff will be delighted to meet with you and allow you to share in their classroom activities.  If you are interested in attending please let the Office know in advance by telephoning 02890661506.

Click on the links below to download a transcript of the Headmistress's Welcome Address and a copy of the Presentation slides. 

Values, Confidence, Belief - Ms. Patricia Slevin

Headmistress's Welcome Address - PDF Presentation


Open Day 2017 - Head Girl Speech


Senior School Open Day