Official Opening of the School Enhancement Programme

The Official Opening of the School Enhancement Programme took place on 23rd November and current staff, pupils and Governors were joined by parents, former staff, pupils and Governors along with representatives of the Design and Construction teams. Mr Derek Baker, Permanent Secretary, DE officially declared the facilities open.

It was a wonderful opportunity for former staff and Governors and former Headmistress Mrs Margaret Andrews to return to the College to celebrate the long awaited advent of these much improved facilities for the pupils.

The family of former Governor Mr James McCue who served on the Board for 39 years were present to name the McCue Fitness Suite and Lady Froggatt who was a Governor of the College for 41 years delivered a tribute to Jimmy and the contribution he made to Victoria College.

Mr Hector McDonnell, one of the finest figurative Irish artists of his generation, shared his expertise with pupils in the new Art & Design Suite and both Prep and Senior Hockey players enjoyed the opportunity to meet with and be coached by  four international players who had given their time to attend: Shirley McCay, Zoe Wilson, Johnny Bell and Michael Robson. Jonny delivered a very motivational address to the pupils who attended the event.

We are grateful to Mrs Beth Robinson, Mrs Alison Watt and Ms Maria McCann who coordinated the Big Build Just Giving project and to all the staff who worked so effectively behind the scenes to ensure the event was a great success.

To view our official event gallery click here.


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