Victoria College Old Girls’ Association Annual Dinner

On Friday 5th May 2017, fifty members were present at a delightful evening in the Ulster Reform Club. A splendid buffet was enjoyed and many happy memories and anecdotes of school days were shared.  Barbara Farris was presented with a gift to mark her service of Treasurer for twenty five years. A table of those who left school fifty years ago had a wonderful reunion. The event was organised most efficiently by Patricia Moorhead. Past President Margaret Andrews has graciously accepted the title of Emeritus President and Betty Kerr has become Emeritus Honorary Secretary marking their significant roles in the Association.

Mrs Betty Kerr - Emeritus Honorary Secretary

Pictured opposite is a much loved old girl; Mrs Betty Kerr. She organised the many aspects of the Old Girls Association for 55 years before stepping down in 2016. She is now ‘Emeritus Honorary Secretary’.

Chair of the Old Girls - Carolyn Lewis.

At the Dinner Carolyn welcomed, and thanked, those who had come to  this the 101st Dinner.

She paid tribute to Betty Kerr who had organised all the administration of the Old Girls for fifty five years and Barbara Farris who had served the Association as Treasurer for 25 years. In recognition of her role Barbara was presented with beautiful ear-rings. Betty had been presented with a lovely brooch at the Centenary Dinner in Parliament Buildings in 2015.

Ms Slevin addressed the audience and spoke of the many highlights in the school year. Looking ahead to the opening of the ‘New Build’ she encouraged Old Girls to contribute to items to furnish the new sports and art buildings and gave out  some brochures to highlight the features of these much needed facilities. Past President of the Old Girls, Mrs Margaret Andrews, has accepted the title of ‘Emeritus Honorary President’ and we look forward to seeing her and Betty, ‘Emeritus Honorary Secretary’ at future meetings.

Annual Dinner 2018

The Annual Dinner will be held on Friday 27th April in Belvoir Park Golf Club. Further information about this and other events can be found on the webpage below. Any group celebrating a special anniversary should make early contact with Patricia Moorhead.

On this webpage you can also find information about the Old Girls Association, including forthcoming events and items of interest.


School Enhancement Programme - Donate now


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