Congratulations to our Year 14 pupils on achieving excellent A level results!

Overall, 93% of the grades achieved at A2 level were A*- C grades, with 38% of the grades awarded A*/A. In this cohort, 82%, of pupils achieved 3+ A*-C grades, with 18 girls achieving at least 3 A*/A grades, a truly remarkable achievement. The commendable performance of the girls at A level is testament to the value added education which the College offers.

Ms Slevin would like to pay tribute to the teaching staff who prepared the girls so well for their A level examinations and to all staff including the careers team and SLT for being available to advise and support them throughout their studies.

Staff at the College are delighted to see so many girls accessing their university course of choice and wish all leavers well in their future studies and life beyond Victoria!

Senior staff will be available today to provide guidance and support to all who require it.


Congratulations to the Class of 2017!


Erin Skelton wins Chartered Institute of Accountants Ireland Prize