Senior Hockey Training Weekend

Last weekend the senior hockey squad attended Portrush for the night from Friday to Saturday for some bonding, two matches and some fitness work.

Once we had survived the long journey down to Portrush, not forgetting the inevitable stop in Applegreen,  we arrived at the White Park Bay Youth Hostel where we were staying. With everyone worrying over what fitness was ahead of us we all headed down to the beach, waterbottles at the ready. We soon came to the conclusion that half an hour wasn’t enough to complete any type of fitness and headed along the beach. With each girl looking as if they had never seen a cow before multiple photos were taken with Paddy claiming he could ‘get his photo on tonight’s weather forecast if he sent it to BBC’.. As we thought of beach activities Sarah Hand suggested we attempted to make the letters “VCB” with our bodies by lying on the sand. Easier said than done… After what felt like hundreds of attempts and Mrs Loane shouting at people to move their hands and look a certain way so they looked more like a “B” we eventually managed to reach positions that resembled our desired letters. When we thought our beach trip couldn’t get any more exciting, nearly half the squad decided it would be a good idea to run and jump headfirst into the freezing sea, ending the beach trip on a high.

The Yr11s, Yr12s and a few of the Yr13s were first to play on Friday night against Coleraine with a great win of 4-0 with goals from Ellie Robinson, Georgia Ross and two from Emilia Cutrona. Once finished their match Mrs Loane had the team on the base line ready to do 500m in sprints, so much for our aim to avoid fitness.. The Yr13s and Yr14s played second as the other team rushed off to shower before dinner. With a goal from Cate Blayney the final score saw 1-0 to VCB. We headed into Bushmills for dinner where everyone had an amazing meal and were fully satisfied and ready for the match the next day.

Saturday morning began with an alarm at 7:15am and a lot of girls moaning at the time. Despite this, everyone was ready to go up against Dalriada for our second match. The 1stXI played first winning 3-0 with goals from Sarah Webb, Beth Walker and Emilia Cutrona. The 2ndXI followed and continued the winning streak with a 1-0 win to VCB with a goal from Sarah Hand. We jumped on the bus again and headed back to Coleraine with a pitstop to get some forgotten things from the day before. Before leaving we went to Edge Watersports in Coleraine to the inflatable obstacle course. Everyone had a ball on the course with multiple somersaults being attempted. The bus home was a sing along ride before going back to applegreen for some lunch. With everyone exhausted from the activites over the two days it was time to go home and catch up on much needed sleep.

Match report by Caitlin Murphy


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