Waterpolo Cup Champions


Huge congratulations to past pupil Meabh Mc Gurk and current pupil Katie Mc Guigan on their historic win of the 2024 Irish Senior Waterpolo Cup at Bangor Aurora this weekend.

They both showcased their skill and dedication in the pool, playing a key role in the Diamonds achieving a historical win, as this was the first time in the Club’s history to win the Irish Senior Cup.

Meabh McGurk was named the Most Valuable Player, having scored six goals in the final alone. Amongst a cohort of 90 female players who completed in the tournament, to receive this accolade is a fitting reward for Meabh’s amazing skills, hard work, drive and attitude in the tournament

In addition Meabh was also chosen as a member of the ‘Team of the Tournament’, alongside her younger sister (Siobhan 16) and the team’s Goal keeper Amelia Urry showing that her skills, drive and match play were exceptional. 

The team’s unbeaten run throughout the tournament was an incredible achievement, especially breaking an 11-year winning streak by Dublin Team Vincents, which is nothing short of remarkable.

What is even more inspiring is that this victory was led by an all female coaching team of Ruth McGuigan, Catherine Hanna and Sharlene Urry.  This is first time in the history of the Cup’s history, shattering stereotypes and shows the world the power of female athletes.  Congratulations to the girls and Victoria College on raising such dedicated athletes.


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