Visiting German Teachers

On 21st and 22nd October we welcomed two teachers from the Brandenburg area of Germany to Victoria. Madgalena Ludewig and Ilona Joern were on an educational programme and were sacrificing their half term holiday to learn more about the educational system in N. Ireland. During their short visit they took on a busy schedule of observing and participating a wide variety of classes in both Cranmore and Richmond. They integrated with ease into school life and engaged enthusiastically with staff and pupils alike.  In particular, they brought humour to the German classes by regaling our pupils with anecdotes from their teaching of pupils of a similar age in Germany.

Such experiences are positive for everyone concerned as they bring life to learning. We greatly enjoyed having Magdalena and Ilona with us and trust that they will also have happy memories of VCB.


An Evening of Fine Art


Y13 Health & Social Care