Strengths identified by Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI)

Headmistress’s Report

We are pleased that the ETI Inspection Report, reflects the many positive attributes of the College including the ‘confident, enthusiastic and highly motivated pupils who have a clear sense of pride in their school’ and whose behaviour is ‘exemplary’. It acknowledges the opportunities available to the girls and the way in which they ‘develop to good effect their leadership skills’.

In addition the report comments very favourably on the teaching and learning acknowledging that pupils are benefiting from ‘purposeful work’, with ‘a variety of teaching strategies employed, skilful questioning, effective marking for improvement, effective plenary sessions and the use of emerging technologies’.

The report acknowledges that the school is ‘responsive to individual needs’ and that ‘the care and support of each pupil is afforded a high priority and is very effective in supporting the pupils’ learning and achievement’.  

I am pleased that there is recognition of the ‘respectful, inclusive and nurturing environment where pupils are empowered to believe in themselves’ and that the team recognise the ‘emphasis placed on listening to the pupils and developing their values, attitudes and dispositions; as a consequence the pupils display high levels of confidence, independence and resilience’.

Equally it is encouraging to note that the pupils ‘benefit from a well structured taught programme for careers ... at key transition points’ and that they ‘benefit from workplace experiences which are appropriately matched to their aspirations and interests’.

There are positive comments within the report also about the College’s developing literacy and numeracy strategies with a recognition that plans are in place to address agreed priorities.

The Inspection team also recognised that SLT has established ‘a culture that facilitates the sharing of best practice with a view to enhancing learning and teaching across the school’ and will continue to work with middle leaders who ‘provide clear curricular and pastoral leadership’ and who ‘have a shared whole school vision for improvement’ in order to address any areas for improvement.

The inspection team concluded that the Senior Leadership Team has identified ‘appropriate priorities for school improvement and the strategies to effect the planned improvements’, that Governors ‘play an active, challenging role in supporting school improvement’ and that the school and wider community ‘can have a high degree of confidence in the aspects of governance evaluated’

We are pleased that the overall effectiveness conclusion of the report is that the achievements and standards, provision for learning and leadership and management are ‘good’ and that there is confidence in the College’s ‘capacity to identify and bring about improvement in the interests of all the learners’


Erin Burnett – pupil and author!


Transfer Results Day - A message to P7 girls from Victoria College