Erin Burnett – pupil and author!

The College regularly welcomes visits from authors and storytellers but today we were delighted to host one of our own pupils.

As well as achieving outstanding GCSE results and currently studying hard for her AS exams, Year 13 student Erin Burnett has written and published her first novel and she took time out of her own busy schedule to speak to pupils from Years 8 and 9.

Liza’s Avenger, which is available to buy from Amazon in both hard copy and eBook, is a fantasy novel for children and teenagers. It has taken Erin many years of writing, redrafting and sourcing a publisher but it has been very well received and was an instant hit as 50 copies of the book were bought by pupils. Hopefully this is the first of many books for Erin and we wish her every success for the future.

For further information on Erin and her writing see .


Anne Henderson’s achievements recognised at CCEA’s Celebrating Excellence Awards!


Strengths identified by Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI)