School Enhancement Programme - Donate now

The Big Build Giving Wall

The Big Build Giving Wall will be located prominently within the reception area of the new sports hall and for every £100 donated you can add the name of a single individual to this commemorative wall.  So, for a donation of £100 you can secure a place for one name, for a donation of £200 you can secure a place for two names, and for a donation of £300 you can secure a place for three names on the Big Build Giving Wall.

There is no overall limit on the number of places on the Big Build Giving Wall that may be secured by a single donor and donations can be made anonymously without the publication of the name of any individual on the wall.  Donations of less than £100 are also welcome.

Making your donation

To make your donation and secure your place on the Big Build Giving Wall, simply click on the button above or follow this link to our JustGiving Big Build Campaign Page.

Please remember to give details of the name(s) that you wish to add to the Big Build Giving Wall in the Leave a Message Box on the electronic donation form and do not forget to maximise the value of your donation by using the Gift Aid Scheme and allowing the College to claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated.

JustGiving is one of the world’s leading social fundraising platforms and you can make your donation safely and securely through this platform.  Payment can be made by debit card, credit card or by using PayPal.  Any amounts raised over £100,000 will be spent or applied at the discretion of the College for any purpose connected with the achievement of the broader objectives of the College.


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