Boarders of Drumglass

Over the last few months we have received some lovely feedback from past boarders eager to share their experiences of life in Drumglass House.

You can read this feedback below. 

I decided to live  in another country because I wanted to improve my English, I wanted to get to know another culture and the main point for me  was that I wanted to have some great experiences.

I came to Northern Ireland because the school next to mine said that Victoria College is great and that they also send their students to VCB as well.

My mum did not want me to go to a host family which is  why my parents and I decided that I would stay in boarding which was definitely the right option . Even though  it was very different in the beginning I got used to it very fast. I always had somebody around me and I met a lot of people from different countries and cultures. I am still in touch with some of them.

 To be honest it was not hard being in Northern Ireland. I had lovely friends,  I went shopping, Starbucks, the cinema, Little Wings…

My favourite trip was to the Giants Causeway with all the other boarders and to the Titanic Museum with my family. I love the movie Titanic,  and for me it was great to experience  where it was built and get to know  more about its background.

I would love to come back to visit but the problem is that I have to go to school when there are holidays in Northern Ireland and the flight connection is infrequent which can make  it very expensive.

I would definitely recommend Drumglass House, because even if I did miss my family I had a great time being there which I will never forget.

I always had lovely people around me who made my time unforgettable.

My teacher in Germany said that my English has improved much and my grades are now between A-B,  before I went to Victoria Collage in Belfast I had a C.I think that the evening  prep was very helpful because we always had a member of staff  if we needed any help with English. I can recommend the English classes because they helped me to improve a lot.  

I can recall my time at Victoria College as the best experience of my life.

I wanted Northern Ireland to be my destination because I had heard that Belfast was a great place to live in. My guardian went to Victoria College, so I decided to follow her recommendation.

I had never been away from home before, and I missed my family so much, but after a few days, when I started to make new friends and to speak English more fluently, I did not want to go back to Spain, Drumglass House felt like home.

The people I have met in boarding will be my friends for life, since we have experienced plenty of things together, not just boarders, but both of the two matrons, Mrs. Burns and all the mistress.

My favorite activity was going to the ice rink, I had so much fun! Actually, I enjoyed every single activity that Drumglass House organized for us at the weekends.

During the week we had time to study called ‘Prep’ and it really helped me to organize myself, and even now, a year later, I still use that system. On Saturday mornings all the foreign boarders had an English class and that helped us develop our vocabulary and let us see how our English was improving, it was so helpful.

Christmas time was indeed surprising for me, the dinner, the Secret Santa and the Summer party were the best moments of my time there. I only wish I could go back, I highly recommend going to Victoria College, it is an unforgettable experience.


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