Notice to Parents / Guardians

It is clear to all that as a society we find ourselves in unprecedented times. As such the Board of Governors, in consultation with the Principal and the Senior Leadership Team, has taken the decision that it is not in the best interests of pupils to attend College for the rest of this week.  Staff who are well and from a well household will attend College, using their time to prepare materials for remote learning. 

We appreciate that this is an anxious time for pupils who have external examinations in the coming months. We continue to lobby the Department for Education for clear guidance and can reassure parents that JCQ have guidelines to ensure that no pupil is disadvantaged should they miss part of an exam. The College will continue to seek clarity from the relevant bodies regarding the Health and Safety of pupils and staff.

We appreciate that this decision will have an impact on families but these are challenging times which require our focus to be primarily on the health of our College community and that of the wider community.

Against a constantly evolving backdrop, it is important that we continue to work together and support our pupils and one another.  

Karen Quinn (Mrs)




Information for Parents / Pupils


VCBOGA Annual Dinner 2020 - Update