Information for Parents / Pupils

Precautionary Measures in the event of a prolonged school closure to curtail the spread of the Coronavirus

As you are aware, the Coronavirus has become a serious public health concern. The College has put measures in place to support pupils and their parents in case a decision is made by the Department of Education to close all schools for an extended period of time to curtail the spread of the virus.

Our aim is to ensure that pupils who will be sitting external examinations in the Summer Season 2020 feel supported and confident that they are well prepared to achieve their full potential. We also aim to ensure that our junior pupils remain able to study and progress from home.. For this reason, we have taken the following measures:

  • Teachers will email individual classes work instructions.

  • Teachers have utilised various e-learning platforms such as MySchool, Fronter, GCSEPod, Microsoft Teams and OneNote to enable pupils to access online resources and keep in contact with their teachers.

  • Pupils have been informed by their subject teachers of the procedures they should follow to access work and/or notes provided by teachers and they will be instructed on how to submit completed work.

When at home, we advise that pupils check their email accounts daily to keep in regular contact with their teacher and should work methodically through booklets/online resources.

We will continue to keep in contact via the school website and Schoolcomms.


Remote Learning - Advice to parents / guardians


Notice to Parents / Guardians